12 IAS officers has given new posting by an order of the DP and AR. According to the order Joint (MOBC), Minlianthang Vaiphei has been given the new post as Director (TA & Hills and SC), Joint Secretary (Home/Social Welfare) H. Rupachandra singh has been given the new post as Joint Secretary (Home), Joint Director (MAHUD) & District Coordinator (MAHUD & UBS) in addition, L. Nabakishwar Singh has been given the new post as Joint Secretary (MAHUD/Social Welare), Deputy Secretary (Transport), S. Naba Singh has been given the new post as Deputy Secretary (Cooperation / Transport), OSD (LRS) & Joint Secretary (RD & PR/CADA) in addition Neeta Arambam has been given the new post as OSD (LRC & Joint Secretary (RD&PR/CADA/Eco & Stat) in addition, Deputy Secretary (RD & PR) (Under Transfer), N. Surjit Singh has been given the new post as SDO/BDO, Saitu Gamphajol, SDO/BDO, Saitu Gamphajol (Under Transfer), N. Gojendro Singh has been given the new post as Under Secretary (RD & PR), SDO/BDO, Singat, Lalrobul Fimate has been given the new post as Under Secretary (MOBC), Asst. CEO, Manipur, Peter Salam has been given the new post as Asst. CEO and i/c Joint Director (MAHUD) & i/c District Coordinator (MAHUD & UBS) in addition, AC to DC, Senapati, N. Thuamkhansuan has been given the new post as SDO/BDO, Singat, FO (YAS), Bobby Singh Moirangthem has been given the new post as FO (YAS) and AFA (Power) & OSD (Power) of MSPDCL, Under Secretary (Horti & SC/Cooperation/MI), Ramrei Singh has been given the new post as Under Secretary (Horti & SC/MI)

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