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National Environment Awareness Campaign held

by IT Web Admin
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The Biodiversity Ecology and Environment Network Manipur (Bee Net Manipur) in coordination with Directorate of Environment, GoM, Department of Life Sciences, Manipur University and the Standard Robert Hr Secondary School organized the National Environment Awareness Campaign, 2014-2015 at the Lecture hall of the School under the theme adopted for this year: ‘Combating desertification; land degradation & drought’.
The program was held as part of the 9th foundation day of the Bee Net Manipur.
Speaking on the campaign among school students on “Biodiversity Conservation and the Role of Youth”, Prof N Rajmuhon, Dept of Chemistry, MU and also the Vice President, Bee Net Manipur encouraged young students to understand the crucial bio-diversity status of the state.
Stressing the fact that if men win the ongoing war between Men and Nature then there will be no place for survival, Prof Rajmuhon further egged the students to inspire themselves through good books, saying that ‘a good book in one’s life is more important than a good friend’.
Jr Scientist Th Bhogen, Directorate of Environment, GOM, L Landhoni, Principal of Standart Robert Hr Secondary School and S Bhubol, Secy Local Network, Bee Net Manipur  and other teaching staffs participated in the campaign.
The National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC) launched by the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, during 1986-87 seeks to enhance awareness of citizens about various environmental issues with a view to invoke their voluntary participation in the efforts for protection of environment and conservation of natural resources. NGOs, educational and training institutions, professional associations, scientific bodies, community organizations besides a range of other agencies including those of the Government are participating in the campaign.

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