Home » Justice for Pravish Chanam

Justice for Pravish Chanam

by IT Web Admin
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New Delhi, Sept. 18:  A candle light protest on theme Justice for Pravish Chanam was held on September 15, 2017 at the Arts Faculty, University of Delhi. Relatives and friends of late Pravish, volunteers of Manipur Students’ Association Delhi and others attended the protest.
A team of Manipur Alert had initiated the programme, in response to the ongoing instances of threat to the security of peoples from Northeast, who are either residing in or visiting Delhi. It is worth reckoning that late Pravish was traceless from a night concert at Knowledge Park, India Expo Centre, Greater Noida (UP). It was informed by the police on 14th that Pravish was found dead on 9th and that his body had been cremated on 11th without informing the family. Though the friends and relatives had submitted missing complaint in the morning of 9th, there was lack of positive response to trace Pravish. Procedural loopholes were found in the manner the death body was cremated in a hurried manner.
There is strong suspicion of objectives and nexus between the concerned police, hospital authorities and the criminals who had murdered Pravish.The protest demanded; (a) a thorough investigation by the CBI to bring justice to Pravish and the bereaved family, (b) strict actions against all the officials responsible for the lapses, and (c) appropriate and timely action against the culprits.

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