Demanding to remove Inspector Okram Dorendro Singh, Officer-In-Charge of Lamphel Police station, Imphal West from his service, a large number of people have stormed the Chief Minister’s bungalow today afternoon.
Phaomei Angou was assaulted by the police officer while a group of people went to Lamphel police to enquire about his missing daughter. He suffered injury and admitted at RIMS hospital. Besides, the responsible officer of the outpost started using abusive and obscene languages without any reason. Instead of safeguarding the citizen and delivering justice, the police officer assaulted the civilians, the JAC condemned in its memorandum submitted to Chief Minister.
Earlier in a memorandum submitted to Home Minister, Gaikhangam the JAC formed against the physical assault against Phaomei Angou has served three days time to effect suspension order of the police inspector.
They stormed the CM’s bungalow after their ultimatum has been lapsed today. Security forces intercepted the enraged mob and stopped them near post office. There they staged sit-in-protest and shouted various slogans.
It also warned that the JAC will resort to different form of democratic agitations to get justice and the state government should be responsible for any untoward incidents.
JAC demands immediate suspension of Inspector Dorendro from service