Fund amounting to rupees 5000 lakhs for implementation of sericulture project in the state has been rebound as the department failed to utilize it till the end of November, 2014. The amount was funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). According to an official source it has been stated that the fund meant for implementation of Sericulture project in the state could not be utilised as the JICA was unwilling to continue the project on security ground. The state government will surrender the amount at the end of March 2015. However, according to another source there is no such intention to the side of the JICA for discontinuation of the project on the ground of security problem in the state. A highly placed source said that the fund for implementation of the sericulture project could not be utilised due to differences of the top bureaucrats of the Sericulture department and the minister in charge for the department over the selection of beneficiaries. The source said that the intervention of the Minister in charge of sericulture over the selection of beneficiaries is the main reason for the department inability for implementation of the project.
Fund amounting to rupees 5000 lakhs for Sericulture project rebound
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