Chief Minister OkramIbobi Singh today indirectly supported the police action at Telipati area of Imphal East at which a student was killed after hitting by a tear gas shell or rubber bullet during agitation on July 8. During debate for passing of the Manipur Appropriation (No. 5) Bill, 2015, the chief minister said that it is difficult for the police to control violent mob as there are evidences of protestors throwing stones. The Chief Minister while trying to prove the difficulties faced by the police narrated a long story of how the police faced problem in controlling the agitators at Mao gate during the rejection of the proposed visit of NSCN-IM leader Th. Muivah. He said the then police officer in Charge had told him that as the organisation are using students and women as shield and later strike to the police from among them, it was difficult for those police personnel in duty. He said that his government always gave order to restrain violence while controlling mob but sometimes some of the police personnel fail to tolerate if they saw their colleague hurt. The clarification was made in reply to Trinamool Congress MLA Dr.I Ibohalbi in the debate.
Dr. I Ibohalbi said that the government has failed to provide proper equipment to tackle public agitation. He said that there are no adequate numbers of barricades or water cannon for the police which is a much to control public agitation or protest.
CM indirectly support cops over the death of a student during agitation
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As a student please do something for us. N think for the future generation. If its countenuous like this then who will control our follower generation.
Such a response of Mr.Ibobi hints that there is more lives to claim during such mass protest rallies. Is there no any option for responsing the act of mass protest..such protest can be seen at Parliament street but the Delhi police handles it safely…how could Ibobi comments lightly in such deliberate attempt of Manipur police act. Shame on you mr.Ibobi..