BJP Manipur Pradesh president Th. Chaoba today said that the party’s ticket will be given to the best performing candidate who will win the election. Cautioning Thangmeiband Mandal BJP for issuing press statement regarding the enrollment of some of the party member Th Chaoba said that there may be some appreciation or criticism from some quarters but said that those could be settled within the party. He said a so-cause notice has been sent to Thangmeiband BJP mandal to clarify on the matter.
Th. Chaoba said this while speaking in a reception function of Wangoi and Thongkhong Laxmi Nagar Panchayats councilors at its head office today morning. Out of 9, 6 councilor including chairperson of Wangoi and out of 11, 9 councilors of Thongkhong Laxmi Nagar Panchaayat has officially join BJP today. In today’s function 15 councilor from All India Trinamool Congress and INC were officially approved to join the party by the president of BJP Manipur Pradesh Thounaojam Chaoba.
Ex-MLA of Wangoi A/C O. Lukhoi and media advisor of BJP, Ashinikumar also attended the occasion.
Th. Chaoba further said that the by-election of three assembly constituencies – Wangoi, Thangmeiband and Thongju may be conducted in October and BJP will win all the 3 seats.
He said that the ADC election result will be a perfect reply to the political party who blamed BJP as an anti Christian and anti tribal. He claimed that BJP is the only partly that will be accepted by the hill people.
Chaoba warns gossipers; says ticket will be given to the best performing candidate
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