Home » 945 Minor Irrigation schemes completed at a cost of Rs 473.80 crores

945 Minor Irrigation schemes completed at a cost of Rs 473.80 crores

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Imphal, June 27 : Under Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) launched in the state from the year 1999-2000 by the Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India, the Department has so far completed 945 numbers of minor irrigation schemes at a total cost of   Rs 473.80 crores and 53914 Ha. of cultivable land has been brought under its command. It has played a commendable role in promoting agricultural productivity in the areas under its operation.
Minor Irrigation Schemes are taken up with central assistance under AIBP funding (now PMKSY) of the Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India and with the funds from other funding agencies such as NLCPR, NEC and NABARD.  These Schemes are implemented with proper assessment of the suitability of the sites and feasibility of the particular schemes viz. construction of mini barrage or weir, lift irrigation schemes or irrigation tank in relation with the need of the locality.
The minor irrigation schemes taken up in the state are of two categories – the surface flow schemes and lift irrigation schemes. Surface flow irrigation schemes comprise construction of (a) Pick-up weirs/mini barrages which divert water from rivers/streams through canals and give water to the agricultural fields. (b) Irrigation tanks which conserve/store rain water or water from hill streams via link channels which can be used for irrigation as and when needed. Lift irrigation schemes are constructed at suitable places for lifting irrigation water from rivers or other water bodies by using diesel/electric pumping sets. The water is conveyed through canals to the irrigation fields which lie nearby. One such lift irrigation schemes have the capacity to irrigate 20 Hac. of agricultural land by deploying a 25 Horse power pumping set.
Under the Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR) funding, the Department has completed five projects viz;  Modernisation of Kakching Ithei Maru Main canal at the cost of  Rs.340.00 lakh,  Construction of Mini Barrage across  Itam river at Kharasom Imphal East, at the cost of Rs.361.00 lakh, Construction of Mini Barrage across Itok river at Chandrakhong at a cost of Rs.498.00 lakh,  Construction of Mini Barrage across Wangjing river near Canteen Lampak with project cost of Rs.498.00 lakh and Construction of weir across Narmia river at Kongkhan Thana with project cost of  Rs.306.00 lakh.
A total of 4889 Ha. of land has been brought under the command of these projects. As a part of 20 Point Programme (TPP),renovation of 87 nos of underperforming minor irrigation  schemes including modernization of a number of RLI schemes by replacing the old diesel pumping sets with electric motors were undertaken with loan assistance from National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD).  For the project NABARD has sanctioned a sum of Rs 22.00 crores during the year 2010-11 and the same has been utilized. During the financial year, the NABARD has also sanctioned Rs. 950 lakh to renovate 20 (twenty) M.I. schemes.  Conclusively, water is a precious natural resource and it is not inexhaustible. To conserve it and utilize it in the most efficient way by practicing innovative methods of irrigation is of primary concern for the state.

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