Imphal, July 3: Stricken by frequent bandh, general strikes and other forms of protest demonstration, the State of Manipur has lost 55 days out of the 277 working hours available in the year 2016.
According to a statistics provided by independent researcher Serto Tondana Kom of Hermontala, the state government employees enjoy 89 holidays including 12 second Saturdays, 25 General Holidays and 52 Sundays this year. If the holidays were taken away they have 277 working days. In time the available working hour is 6648 (5 hours a day x 277 available working days) in 2016.
However due to bandh, general strikes and other forms of protest demonstration government offices were closed on different counts; altogether 55 working days were lost till the month of January to June 2016.
In the case of Central government-run offices, the employees have 253 working days. However, in time the available working hour is around 6072 (8 hours a day x 253 available working days) in this year.
Altogether 53 working days were losing from Central government employees till the month of January to June 2016.
During the stipulated period, the state government employees have 82 working days while Central government employees have 135 working days.
Highlighting all these statistics, the researcher also has drawn the attention of the Chief Secretary, Government of Manipur to look into the abject difference of available working hours between state and Central government employees.
55 working days lost this year till June in Manipur
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