Home » 2nd Brain-Drain Exposia (National Children Residential Painting Camp)

2nd Brain-Drain Exposia (National Children Residential Painting Camp)

by IT Web Admin
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A 8-day long National Level Children Residential Painting Camp Called 2nd Brain-Drain Exposia  will be held from 31st January to 7th February  at Institute of Rural Education (IRE) Complex,Wangjing in Thoubal District.
The Residential Painting Camp  will be organized by Institute of Rural Education (IRE),Wangjing in Collaboration with Patriotic Writers Forum,Manipur and WinG (Women in Governance),Thoubal. While briefing media persons at IRE-Complex today, Rajivkumar Narengbam, Programme Co-ordinator of the 2nd Brain-Drain Exposia-IRE informed that “The Brain-Drain Exposia” (a multi-telent hunt unit under the IRE) is especially designed for art loving children between the age group of 7 to 15 years.the event is going to be the 2nd event after a long gap of 7 years.
Rajivkumar further said on the background of the camp,the issue of children has been a never ending process since time immoral both in the global and nation’s scenatio Sensitization and mobilization of the masses needs one very powerful massive collective force to reach the climaxes to wards the contribution in shaping the children.
He said the main aim and objectives of the residential camp is to make the children realized their inner potentials through the medium of art,camp is specially designed for chidren to inculcate a good habit of converting the wasteful summer and winter vacation into a productive Artistic vacation.
Children  Painting Camp for 7 days on residential basis will do great wonders and miracles by their simple forms of expressions through sketches/drawing/paintings/posters etc.children will be given 7day to paint,make,sculptured whatever they feel like.their minds and hands will be free for 7 days well guided by eminrnt experts on each day Moreover,the cine stars and different eminent personalities will encourage the young artists with interactions on each day,he said.
During the Children residential Painting  camp an interaction programme,Basic concept & skill development of drawing and practical study of drawing & painting demonstrated by renowned Artists of Manipur on different 6 days  will also be held.As a part of the camp Meitei Mayek also be taught to participants.
In this Children residential Painting camp the students from Cashar,Hojai,Guwahati and Tripura will be participated.

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