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Networking perils

by IT Web Admin
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The digital landscape is expanding everyday and the people of the state, like any other having access to internet, is jumping on to the social networking bandwagon. True, these social networking sites serves as a platform for the members to keep in touch with each other and to update oneself on the happenings around the world as and when it happens. The digital connect has brought the world closer together, speaking from a psychological perspective. The phenomena, however throws up many challenges and potential threats to the very societies it attempt to connect and serve. This is the time we all should make a collective conscious effort to maintain personal discipline and integrity while harnessing the wonderful and beneficial facilities provided by the digital communication service. But as with all things good and beneficial, there turns up a side with darker undertones- the side that threatens to undo and negate all the good and beneficial things offered by these social networking sites, not so much as an inherent defect, but as a result of a section of the members who are misusing and abusing the service.
One such instance is the rise in communal based comments and opinions regarding the agitations and the movement for implementation of the Inner line Permit System in the state. Various groups emerged on these social networking sites which were formed to post updates on a particular event, with opinions and comments from the members. Internet users witnessed a gradual shift in opinions from the regular to tones that risk of communal tension. The resulting heightening of tension is a clear manifestation of the diametrically opposite views taken and professed by the leaders of different communities and groups in the state. The incident also highlighted the stark failure of those initiating the movement in controlling and steering the emotions and energies of the people into a constructive and democratic manner rather than turning on the hapless members of the public. The feeling of alienation as expressed by various groups and communities also shows the lack of coordination and understanding which led to the absence of support from these groups. The present social development poses a serious threat to the smooth passage of the ongoing process of drafting the ILP Bill which, in turn, threatens to throw the still smouldering state into an inferno that will be impossible to put off anytime soon. We as a collective whole needs to tread with caution when it comes to anything concerning the fate of those in the state. The opinions, remarks and support of every community need to be communicated and retained. For such a culturally diverse and distinct state as Manipur, adopting an attitude of exclusivity or aloofness is the surest way of alienating oneness and creating discord amongst the many groups and communities cohabiting. The only way to overcome such superfluous differences is to increase communication, understanding and tolerance. An introspection of our personal and social behavior will lead the way to proper etiquette and behavior which can maintain the integrity and sanctity of the wonderful and efficient social networking sites.         

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