The opening paragraph of the Preamble of THE INDUSTRIAL AND INVESTMENT POLICY OF MANIPUR, 2013, (IIPM, 2013) states: The Government of Manipur aims to drive industrial growth by attracting private investments and provide an investment climate with better regulation by removing barriers to competition and growth. The investment climate is central to growth and outcomes for betterment of the society.
In line with the stated objectives of the state government, the announcement of Union Cabinet Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Kalraj Mishra of approving every proposal for MSME projects from the state serves as a much needed impetus for the floundering social, political and financial atmosphere of the state. That the state abounds in potential would be an obvious understatement. There has never been a dearth of enterprising individuals and groups in Manipur, and the fact that despite the violent and almost hostile elements working overtime to squeeze and suck the life out of almost every budding enterprises for their personal profits, the state now is becoming a viable destination for new and innovative startups, thanks to the never-say-die attitude and unwavering belief in their dreams of the entrepreneurs, risking limb and life to pursue their goal. That such a positive turnaround has been achieved inspite of the uncooperative and dismissive government fomenting an atmosphere chronically non-conducive for business and enterprises for so long is a testimony to the resilience and relentless strive for progress by the people of the state.
However, there still remains the very ominous threat of the promising development being hijacked by vested interest with connections and in cahoots with those that can influence and alter the course of the whole exercise. The promise for approval of projects should not be confused or construed as an end in itself. It is rather the point from which the actual groundwork needs to be implemented, and therein lies the danger of the lurking hyenas diving in for their undeserved share of the spoil. In order for the state government to implement the promised projects the way it ought to be, a number of things need to be put in place- things most of which are still non-existent in the state. Foremost of these needs is an actually working Business and Entrepreneurs’ Incubation Chamber where first time and aspiring entrepreneurs needs to be led through the intricacies of every aspect of business operations by experienced and successful hands and intellectuals in the respective fields. Existence of means of financing the projects and enterprises and, more importantly creating an easy and hassle-free means to access the funds as and when required is equally important if the government earnestly hopes to develop the Micro, Small and Medium enterprises in the state.
In all, the positive feelers and the renewed interest in the state for the development of small scale industries should be taken as a crucial step towards the speedy progress and an opportunity for the people of Manipur to economically catch up with the rest of the country. But for the promises to be realized, the state government should be proactive in creating an atmosphere conducive and viable for the rising number of entrepreneurs and businesspersons. Such opportunities which could kickstart the recovery and progress of the state should not be allowed to be wasted or misused for the benefit of a few vested interests. Everybody has a stake in making this work. Everybody owes it to the future of Manipur.
Cautious expectations