Tips for Quick Revision & Preparation Before The Upcoming School & Board Exams

Academic session 2021 is reaching towards its end. Very soon, most of the schools and boards in the country will organise the annual examinations. At this time, students should be very careful about their exam preparations. In these last few days before the exams, they should only focus on their studies and revision of all that they have prepared for their exams. So every student needs to be very well organized with his/her studies. For this, you can follow some strategic tips that can help in keeping you actively engaged in your studies so as to revise quickly.
A few tricks that will help you revise your course easily and effectively:
1. Make a revision time table and adhere to it
Timetable, Tips to make Timetable
A time table is a must to make you aware of what and how much to be covered by the end of the day or a week. Working according to the timetable helps you to set clear goals for each revision session and allows you to check them off as you progress. Such revision plans reduce your anxiety and exam fear and keep you up to the mark in your studies.
2. Keep your study targets reasonable
In your timetable, the target you set should be reasonable so that you can achieve it easily without missing your other important tasks. This way you will be able to revise the whole chunk of your studies by the end of the course instead of mugging up the whole syllabus right before the exam. For example, trying to revise all chapters of chemistry the night before the final exam is probably going to do more harm than good. Thus, organize your preparations in a way to remember the most important information you’ve got to study.
3. Recall and summarize at regular intervals
After every few minutes while studying, take a break to recapitulate what you have learned. You can write a short summary of the topic you learned in your notes. Recalling helps you measure your memorizing potential whether whatever you learned in past has all been instilled in your brain. Writing down the notes in your own words helps you memorize the stuff more easily.   
4. Doodle freely while you study to break the monotony of long writings
Expressing important pieces of information into drawings or diagrams will make it easier and interesting to recall and retain the information. Drawing the mind maps and freehand drawings can be useful in improving your understanding and creating a much easier memory aid than reading the text alone.
5. Find a friend to whom you can explain the topic
Explaining a topic and the concepts to a friend can help you revise things more easily. While explaining the topic to your friend, you come across the points that might not be clear to you or you are missing them. Then at the same time, you can discuss those points with your friend or teacher and clear your doubts.
Though every student is unique by his or her strengths and abilities still they need an organized plan to track the way to success. The above mentioned tricks will definitely help students to revise their course in a way to get them the desired results.

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