Home » University


by Rinku Khumukcham
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By- Dr Nunglekpam Premi Devi
Independent Scholar

University! University! Oh you University
You stand scattered strong for a while once;
Your cottage so shabby, sweeter the tattered rooms;
You shine brightly battered, lone and beaten up;
Batch after batch; year after year, you write your fame;
None cared challenges; none dare to dig you beneath;
None invites you in, sweeter as you stand firm forbidding;
Half a walk and half a ride; reaching you touching softly;
No law and no out law prohibits; fresher as you stretches your arms;
No birds a hostile utility, no cows a misanthropic avail;
Oh mother! Your strength engaged abruptly cool,
Your virtue’s reflected; your honorability’s attributed;  
You’re mirror of the Country; you shine aloof bolder,
Captivating and enthralling; Canchi’s of Canchipur.

University! University! Oh you University
You witnessed enraptures, bewitching so fascinating;
Your arms detached heavily; dusted and undone nicely
One after another; you’re tempted and seduced and convincing;
Those sudden gust of zealous; stamped upon your lap
Oh mother! You’re voice is unheard weak and bad
Truck by truck; moves by moves advances;
Shifting and stirring; progressing and proceeding;
Advancing and improving and continuing;
And developing and flourishing and thriving;
And expanding and increasing and maturing;
Evolving and growing and enlarging;
Extending and spreading; unfolding and unrolling;
Differentiating and transforming; Altering and adapting;
Oh! So hard to recalled, your virgin soil a nightmare;
Recollecting and tempting and captivating;
Bad as you stand aloof; amidst the hungers
Tired and thirsty and starving incomers need.

University! University! Oh you University
Your visitor’s a motive too reasoning and operational;
Blocks after blocks; building after building;
Visitors by visitors; designs by designs; topic by topic;
Subject by subject; concepts by concepts;
Purposes and causes and intentions and basis;
Departments by departments; Talk after talks;
Enrolling and hankering, the desire and their thirsts;
Oh mother! Your lap so elemental, dirty and dusty suspicion
Your arms being cut and broken; you bleed constitutions;
Smearing and tainted; bleeding from those undying bodies;
From State to Central, pulling and dragging and drawing;
One and two and three and four and five;
Oh, the master of Judgment!  Judge ‘Her’ and ‘untie’ her;
Chasten ‘Her’ for a cause, Canchi’s of Kangleipak.

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