By: Dr. Nunglekpam Premi Devi *
I smell as I rose; the misty smell
I breathe freezy, as I walk
I doubt not; the slimy glittering cold
I step, step by step; as I peep
I wonder enough; ravishing
I make no way; as I discover
I am enchanting; this dazzling view
I am keen; not to erase away percipient
Slowly and slowly; I open up
Sheet after sheet; clear-sighted
I shrewd wisely; and speak not a word
I discriminate: the far seeing white
So polite and so canny snowy white
I smell as I rose; the misty smell
I breathe freezy, as I walk
This meadow all green; on the south
This field all decorative; intelligently
With the deep-rooted wild; greenery
Softer as I approach; with malice
I dare to step on; inch by inch
I screw and I am cheating to touch twigs
Oh! Holy beauty; white layer
I control not; fleece
This touchy velvet; cold and inviting
I smiles politely, as I breathe her
Into this magical heaven; I hail unbound
I smell as I rose; the misty smell
I breathe freezy, as I walk
I doubt not; the slimy glittering cold
I step, step by step; as I peep
Up above this hazy: woolly coat
So bright so softer; into this wetly wet
I pray not to elude; this foggy breeze
I am haunting; hunting by this crazy roof sheet
All white and all murky; mysterious white plate
I am afraid, afraid of dawn break
I wonder endlessly; into this secrets
Oh! You almighty
With your magic wand; waves a shadowy spell
I smell as I rose; the misty smell
I breathe freezy, as I walk
I doubt not; the slimy glittering cold
I lost and I found back; murky
Into this bleak; all raw
All green; all cold
All freezing; all piercing
All bitter and all wintry
Spreading open –arm; embracing
I fear not; a tiny drop would stand
Still, I courage all whispering
Just for an arid while.