
By- Dr Nunglekpam Premi Devi
Independent Scholar

Wondering through thoughts, vividly imagining
I wasn’t born dressing; bare and all bare, naked;
Warm and cold and cool; it was just covered up;
Not knowing how and which, ‘you’ gave a name!
‘Name’ I could all carry along; sweet and sour,
Sexy and bitchy and sassy, dull and daring;
Legitimatizing and constantly; often and abusively;
The ‘Name’ you gave wasn’t continual, tabooing;
Non-acceptable and allowable and permissible;
‘You’ see me cursing, swearing and poisoning;
When I don’t participate, your word’s uttering;
Nasty and cruel, unkind and hurtful and too mean;
Cutting and hateful and bitter; horrible and unpleasant;
That’s lousy and awful; you’re so frightening call
‘You’ name me rubbish, rotten and second –ratted;
‘You’ name me miserable and careless appealing.

No wonder how much I go and stand apart;
‘You’ ditch me promptly, unexplored and banning;
Guarding and barring; torturing and beating;
‘You’ dare call me ‘violent’ and name me at ‘war’;
‘You’ disagree and profane ‘me’ anti-human;
Breaching and charging; desecrating and invading;
Disturbing and undermine; compromising and limiting;
Offensive, am I? How true ‘you’ charge me unsocial?
‘You’ name me disruptive to my ‘voice’
‘You’ so lawless unruly archaic; you too revolting;
What ‘name’ you captivate help upon me;
 ‘AFSPA ‘s my birthright ‘name’; ‘CAB’s neighbor;
‘Extremist’s my Brotherhood’s name; so militant!
Ah! You the great; ‘you’ the orderly mysterious;
No wonder as I grew up wild, my nature’s revolutionary;
Disorderly insurgent and miscreant, as you ‘name’ me.

Brave as I stood courageous voicing my ‘humanity’;
Shattering upon ‘rules and regulations’ you abide me;
Can’t go as ‘you’ instruct; Oh! The great, Oh! The Ruler;
You’re ‘Pen’ too sharp; you’re written words too blunt;
No doubt you gave me ‘name’ disobeying and radical;
Activist and fanatic; fundamentalist and rebel;
Rioting and rebellious; Agitational and revolting;
War-ragging and wide –ragging; insurgent and terrorist;
Agitator and fighter; Traitor and mutineer;
Bomber and Arsonist; Gun man and assassin;
Hijacker and Guerrilla; Desperado and Criminal;
Robber and outlaw; Bandit and raider;
Villain and tough; gunman and rough;
Gangster and fugitive; Supporter and follower;
Oh! So much of living ‘name’ until I die, can’t erase.

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