Dr Nunglekpam Premi Devi
Independent Scholar
Walking through such a pain, I know not life’s about;
I cried and cried for nothing, lying upon her bosom;
She tried pushing me out, out into this worldly pain;
My first ever pain “aang ngaa, aang ngaa ” too thrilling;
I remembered not how hard ‘he’ better hit me;
Forcing me to gain ‘pains’, those pains of happiness;
Cutting and caring that umbilical cord of mine;
What a sigh! My ‘mother’ so relieving and promoting;
Those laughers and those talks, still lingering;
I cried and cried even when I am hungry
I knew not, she’s trying, trying so much;
Consoling and patting, patting on my body;
She watches me upon, day and night so everlasting;
Guarding upon my lines, I see life’s so tangy;
Life’s too patty, don’t and dos, too many;
Choices! Never an easy option, those pains;
Piercing and cutting; falling down and hitting;
Don’t go there; don’t jump; sleep, go and sleep;
Doesn’t matter, how I feel like, how I dealt with;
Life’ s always be criticizing; ‘lean upon some for nothing’
‘Blame me for unnecessary count’ am I?
‘Blame me for useless presence’ am I?
‘Blame me for extra surviving’ am I?
‘Blame me for how lazy I at work’ am I?
‘Blame me for how stupidity and silliness’ am I?
I knew not, life’s too painful, life’s so harsh;
Twisting and turning; sit here and stand up;
Calculating and reckoning; walk faster and walk in front;
I never reckon happiness would suffice enough;
Love and hatred; living and death;
Disease and infections; Famine and floods;
Cancer and AIDS;
Fever and Diabetics;
Rape and murder;
Abortion and Flushing out;
Gun and drugs; women and weapons;
Corruptions and laws; Sickness and headaches;
Marriage and divorce; Delivery and motherhood;
Young and old; affairs and extra affairs;
All matter of purpose, it’s too harsh overcoming those;
Life’s a misery, it’s painful.