Dr Nunglekpam Premi Devi
When, why, what and which;
How, why, When and Where;
Questions after questions, all ask;
Repeat after repeating, again and again;
Doesn’t seem so nice, troubles by troubles;
Sentence by questions; statements by answers;
All ask and all enquired; Blame after blaming;
Seeing doesn’t believing action; Believing isn’t true;
Truth is living lies; Leis are damn truth;
Frauds by frauds activities; Lies by lies engaging;
Sooner than sooner; false engage by false;
Hating is social recognition; words on words;
Gossip on gossip; joy forever lies activating;
People dies and people go, “Egos”;
Burden on Burden; Blame after Blaming;
Its complicating, it’s complicated.
If, why, or and how;
Reason, meaning, sense and is it;
Answers not given by; Reasons not study;
Men on the Blue, Happy and conquering;
Drinking and night time; ‘Rogue’ and ‘attitude’;
Drinking and gossiping; Drinking and smoking;
Drinking and relaxing; what’s in drinking;
Drugs’ a life; Drugs a social phenomenon;
Peoples’ heavy on egos; burden on shoulders;
One after another; one’s decision all correct;
No time given, discussion not available;
People blaming after blaming, just a fashion;
Layer by layers, actions on Frauds activity;
People die a false death; ‘Sins’ are Heaven.
No, yes, why and no;
Don’t, never, ever and when;
Listening’ unrecognized; Bullets and guns;
Guns and handsets’; ‘Bags and baggage’
AFSPA and misplacement’; ‘Rape and Torture;
Women and Judicial enactment’, ‘women and issues’;
Power’s a corruption’, ‘Corruption a practice’;
Crime’s not judgment; Laws’ blinded;
Hesitation’ a social manner;
Me’, ‘me’, ‘me’ and ‘me’ on importance;
Social and politics’; ‘politics and personal’;
Politics and family’, ‘Life and attitudes’;
May be and may not be’; ‘Sure and not sure’;
Older and younger’, ‘youth and tablets’;
Peace’ and ‘voices’, ‘Police and lock ups’;
Complications and pity, surviving and rudeness.