Home » Women organisation boycott elections at Langthabal constituency

Women organisation boycott elections at Langthabal constituency

by Jeet Akoijam
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Women organisation boycott elections at Langthabal constituency

IT News
Imphal, April 6:

Nupi Khunai Meira Paibi, Liwa Lambi, Bokul Makhong, and Heirangoithong has announced their decision to boycott the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in the Langthabal constituency. The decision stems from their frustration with the ongoing violence in the region, which they believe has been inadequately addressed by the current government.
During a press conference, Kh Sashimukhi, an advisor to the women’s organizations, expressed their rationale for the boycott, citing the persistent Meitei-Kuki violent conflict as a primary concern. They emphasized that participating in the election would hold no significance amidst the prevailing atmosphere of violence and unrest. “Even if the MLA Karam Shyam of the constituency comes and tell them to vote also, they will not vote” Kh Sashimukhi added.
Kh Sashimukhi further clarified that “their stance on abstaining from voting is not intended to impose restrictions on others’ choices.” They affirmed that individuals who wish to vote are free to do so, but members of their organizations will refrain from participating in the electoral process.
The decision to boycott the election reflects the women’s organizations’ dissatisfaction with the government’s handling of the situation and their determination to voice their dissent through non-participation.

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