Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh today said that women and children are the first victim of conflict. Speaking to the inaugural function of the First Northeast India Women Peace Congregation organised by Control of Arms Foundation of India (CAFI) in collaboration with Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network and North East India Women Initiative for Peace at Hotel Imphal today said that women of the region too faced severe form of domestic violence even though they serves as the back bone of the society.
“ In any violence or conflict in a society, the first person/section of people who are affected by the violence are women and Children”, the Chief Minister said.
He further said that Manipur has experienced prolonged insurgency, counter-insurgency which affected the women folks most in terms of losing their husband, father, sons as well as economic activities.
He further said that such a situation lead to the physical assault and injury, humiliation, rape and murder to the women themselves.
“It disturbs the normal way of life of such victim”, the Chief Minister added.
PHED Minister I Hemochandra, Editor of the North East Today, Pradyot Debbarman, Founder of the Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network, Head of Political Affairs, Royal Norwagian Embassy, New delhi, Tharalf Stevold, Chairperson of the State Women Commission Dr. L Ibetombi and Project Co-ordinator of Welthungerhilfe Neha Naqvi were the dignitaries of the inaugural function.
Women and Children are first victim of conflict – CM
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