Home » Tribal body demands regularization of Joint Director of TRI

Tribal body demands regularization of Joint Director of TRI

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, July 26:

A body called the Joint Action Committee of 12 (Twelve) Civil Society Organizations and Students’ on the Tribal Research Institute, Manipur & Its Functioning has demanded regularization of the Joint Director of the Tribal Research Institute (TRI) within fifteen days starting today.
In a press statement sent signed by W. Shinglai, Convenor of the joint body, it is stated that the demand is for effective functioning of the administration of the TRI. It said that agenda for regularization of the post of contractual Joint Director of TRI, Manipur was included in the Cabinet Agenda held on 24/11/2021 under No.69. However. unfortunately, it was deferred to date as the then Addl. CS of TA & Hills/TRI, Letkhogin Haokip put up fabricated allegations in the Memorandum for Cabinet.
The statement also blamed the officials of the TRI for systematically oppressing, victimizing, and harassing the incumbent Joint Director (Contractual) of TRI by preventing him from executing his official duty by not routing files through him against the Order of the Administrative Department (TA&Hills/TRI).
The statement said – TRI failed to organize the Annual State Level Tribal Festival for almost 5 years
– TRI failed to tap sufficient funds from the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GOI for the welfare of the tribals of Manipur.
– No effort was made to increase the funds for TRI, Manipur under the State Plan/Budget.
– TRI failed to tap funds from the Ministry of Tribal Affairs. Govt. of India to offer free coaching for all levels of competitive examinations, engineering and Medical entrance examinations for STs Students.
It also added that the TRI failed to offer M. Phil., Ph.D., Post-Doctoral, and Senior Research Fellowships till date It could have been done long back by availing funds from the Ministry of Tribal Affairs. GOI to do more research works on various issues of tribal society. It also failed to create Research Posts. The Institute requires at least 15 (Fifteen) Research Positions so as to make this Institute a real research Institute as it must serve as a “Body of Knowledge and Think Tank” of tribal society as desired by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GOI in its Operational Guidelines for TRIs.
The body said that the service of a regular Joint Director (TR!) is of extreme necessity for the smooth functioning of TRI. TRI is a Research-Oriented Institute to conduct research and organizes Seminars, Workshops, Training, etc. on topics related to the socio-economic conditions and cultural life of Tribal Communities. To take tip the challenging functions of the Institute. the present Joint Director, who is the expert in tribal matter as Ph. D scholar of Social Science from the tribal community must be regularized at the earliest.

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