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Spring Shed Development and Management Training held in Ukhrul

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Spring Shed Development and Management Training held in Ukhrul

IT Correspondent
Ukhrul, Dec 4:

A three-day Training on Spring Shed Development and Development was formally inaugurated in Ukhrul district on Tuesday.
The training was jointly organised by ICIMOD (Nepal), ACWADAM, IIT-Roorkee and PSI. The government and non-government partners are implementing action research with the aim to advancing scientific knowledge, capacity building and developing a Decision Support System (DSS) for spring shed.
Speaking at the inaugural programme, Kengoo Zuringla, deputy commissioner Ukhrul expressed her gratitude to director of environment and climate change, government of Manipur, ACWADAM and different frontal organisations who took part in the programme.
The initiative intends to develop and promote a scientifically robust participatory methodology for spring shed management and implementation of socially inclusive spring shed management plans that especially address the vulnerabilities of women and marginalised groups to improve the overall water security in the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR).
The initiative will contribute to the development and implementation of springshed management in the IHR under the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) supported project on Strengthening Climate Change Adaptation in Himalayas (SCA-Himalayas).
Spring shed management will be mainstreamed into national and state level policies and district level plans in the IHR, while ensuring both practical and research-based evidence from the ground.
The project will use a scientific and participatory approach and methodology based on a customised six-step protocol for spring revival at four pilot locations across the Indian Himalayan Region strategically chosen based on geology, ecology, and agro- climatic and socio-economic conditions.
The four locations are – Himachal Pradesh (Bondheri), Manipur (Lunghar), Sikkim (Suldung-Kamling), and Uttarakhand (Moldhar)
This training was a part of series of context and region-specific trainings that envisions, training of trainers for key resource persons from local communities, partner CSO and relevant state departments.
In Manipur, MIKC (Mountain Indigenous Knowledge center), Ukhrul, Department of Environment & Climate Change (DoECC), ICIMOD, and ACWADAM are jointly organizing a three-day training in Ukhrul from 3– 5 December 2024. This training will focus on introduction and understanding of basic concepts in developing spring shed management strategies with reference to the “six- step protocol” for reviving springs in the Himalaya.
The training includes the following topics: Introduction to the spring shed Management through Six-Step Protocol; inventory and data monitoring, gender, social and governance aspects, hydrogeological aspects and recharge area delineation, spring recharge/revival activities, planning/designing interventions, and case studies.
The programme with blessing pronounced by Rev. Dr YL Mingthing, Advisor TSL. While Thingreiphy Lungharwoshi and Kunal Sharad Upasani, scientist at ACWADAM delivered the welcome note and key note address.
TNAL president Tennyson Kashung and TNL vice president RS. Jollyson shared their thoughts on the training band project.

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