Proscribed group RPF celebrated Merry Christmas at the office of its Minority Affairs Department. The observance function was attended by M.S. Jackie, Secretary Minority Affairs as the Chief Guest. According to a statement of the outfit, M.S. Jackie elaborated about the essence of observing the day while speaking on the occasion. RPF said that as the day is being observe to show that RPF believes in Secularism.
On the other hand the statement of the outfit blames the India Government for observing the holy day of the Christian as Good governance day. It said that the recent conversion of several minority Muslim to Hinduism and the recent statement of RSS chief Mohan Bhagat which said that Hindustan is a Hindu Nation and Hindutva is the identity of our nation, clearly shows that the agenda of India is to engulf the minority people and religions. The statement further added that there is no other means than freedom from India if the minority had to survive.
RPF celebrates Christmas
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