Home » Resurrection day of Panthou observed as “Anganba Numit”

Resurrection day of Panthou observed as “Anganba Numit”

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, Apr 16:

Resurrection of Meitei God man popularly known as “Panthou”, after a bizarre incident that happened in 2016 is being observed as “Anganba Numit” – which literally means bright day at Longmaiching , Nongpok Chingu Thong in Imphal East by the followers of Panthou today.
Over hundreds of believers clad in black suit offer prayer to the almighty through the God-man.
In April 2016, many unwanted incidents took place at Wangkhei where Panthou Performed rituals as per traditional belief. 1000s and 1000s of devotees visited Panthou and Panthou’s name and popularity spread across the state. The number of Panthou believers increased day after another and many believers donated and constructed the temples of three Meitei Gods which people believe to have been possessed by Panthou. May be differences in belief, locals of the Wangkhei area all of a sudden objected to the rituals performed by Panthou at his temple. The matter even reached the court and since then Panthou left the place and remained silent for almost a year.
Later, Panthou – the God-man resurrect again and established his temple at Longmaiching, Nongpok Chingu Thong in Imphal East.
“That incident happened as desire by God and it is God’s desire that I have to stay at this place”, Panthou told his follower saying that those who set ablaze my temple, were innocent and we should forgive them.
“I consider the day as a bright day and not a black day as it is God’s desire”, Panthou told his believer.
At the Panthou Masaikol at Longmaiching, Metiei traditions are well maintained, and mixing up with other cultures with Meitei traditions by Meitei has been advised not to repeat it as preserving our culture and tradition is the only way to protect Meitei people. Ima Leishem Enat Loisang, the organizer of the Panthou’s rituals and other activities said that at Panthou Masaikol, all women and men strictly follow Meitei Traditional culture and dress.


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