Home » Replantation of amputated penis completed successfully in RIMS

Replantation of amputated penis completed successfully in RIMS

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IT News
Imphal, Aug 22,
A team of doctors from the Department of Plastic Surgery, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal undertook a 4 hour long complicated operation to reattach the amputated penis ( male sexual organ ) in a 57 year old man. The man, a known psychiatric patient, had been taking medicines irregularly, as narrated by his family members. On 20th August 2018, at around 5 pm, he allegedly chopped off his sexual organ ( penis) using a sharp weapon, and came out with severe bleeding from the cut stump. He was immediately rushed to the nearby district hospital, but the doctors there referred him to a tertiary care hospital, where he could avail the facilities of reattachment of his amputated private part, by a Plastic Surgeon. When he arrived in RIMS Imphal, it was already 7 pm. The doctors of Plastic Surgery Department were immediately called to see the patient in the Casualty department, and do the needful. The doctors realised that being a clean cut wound, it was amenable to join the two cut parts by microsurgical anastomoses of the arteries and veins, along with repair of the urethra ( urine channel). It was 8 pm by the time the 57 year old man was wheeled into the Operation Theatre. The cut ends were meticulously dissected to identify the blood vessels ( arteries and veins separately). Through a painstaking four and a half hour long operation, the dedicated team of Plastic Surgery doctors could finally manage to reattach the amputated penis successfully.

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