Prize distribution ceremony for 118th birth anniversary celebration of Lamyanba Hijam Irabot was organised today by Hijam Irabot Memorial Charitable Trust at MDU Hall, Yaiskul.Prizes were distributed to the winner of painting, poetry, and song competitions which were conducted from 21st Sep to 31st Sep for Imphal East and West area at Manipur College. As a part of the prize distribution ceremony, to one teacher and one student each of 100 schools were awarded with best teacher and best student award respectively. 20 institutes from four districts were awarded with ‘educational achievement award.’ Founder of K.M. Blooming School, Khangabok, K. Menjor Singh received the award of ‘HIMS National Education and work culture,’ Asem Kenedy, Founder of Imphal Public School, Canchipur received the award of ‘Best personality award’ and K. Nabachandra, Founder of Herbert English School, Ghari received the award of ‘Best educational excellence award.’
Prize distribution ceremony