Proscribed group, People’s Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (PREPAK) is celebrating its 46th Foundation day on October 9. In connection with the foundation day the PREPAK greets the people. A statement by Aheiba Angom, Chairman of the Interim Council, PREPAK paid Revolutionary Salute to all those who laid down their precious lives in the midst of our National Liberation Struggle for the restoration of the Lost Sovereignty of Kangleipak which imperialist India annexed in clear violations of the prevailing international laws on October 15, 1949.
The PREPAK also greets oppressed indigenous peoples of Kangleipak, leaders and comrades of other fraternal organisations, the revolutionary parties in the WESEA Region and all the oppressed and colonized people of the world and to the print and electronic media fraternity who work with exceptional labour day and night to keep a vigil of the colonial situations in times of crucial needs and stand for honest, responsible and unbiased journalism as an integral part of a healthy society that guarantees safety, security and prosperity of the struggling People of Kangleipak.
The message by Aheiba Angom said, “Crippled with unwarranted violence and crises, the Kanglei People have reached the optimum limit of colonial oppression. At this historical juncture, the Party has been compelled to eloquently lay down before the People to come to a common outline of the several issues facing us today. The Divide and Rule Arrangement of the colonial rulers: It is the bounden duty of a state to ensure the protection of the lives and properties of its civilians at all times. On the contrary, the administering colonial power of India has ceaselessly engineered ethnic divide among the various ethnic communities in Kangleipak that has erupted into a volcano on May 3, 2023 by weaponizing a particular community against the several indigenous ethnic communities. The use of narco-terror activities as mercenaries and auxiliary forces has committed heinous war crimes against the civilians in Kangleipak, their houses gutted, more than 70,000 displaced, and more than a score maimed and disabled for life. The military campaign with sophisticated weapons, landmines and lethal bombs against the innocent civilians, farmers, women and children in the foothills and the sabotage of democratic protests with pellet guns has become a daily feature in the life of the Kangleipak People.
“India’s misinformation campaign inside and outside Kangleipak and in the international arena has portrayed the proxy war in Kangleipak as India’s internal matter whereby the unity of the Kangleipak People has been laid as colonial stooge instead of bringing an amicable end to the present ongoing crisis. The racist Hindu agenda of the Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi has come to light when he tried to demonize the whole Meitei population in the eyes of the whole world in that viral video of two Kuki sisters but failing to utter a word for those Meetei people who saved the modesty and lives of the two women.
“The perpetuation of the Aryan Hindu Racism in Kangleipak is now loud and clear as Mr. Modi fails to break his silence over the genocide campaign against the Kangleipak People and stopping this senseless killings. The stark reality of India racist hegemony fangs out again over India’s complete silence over the inhuman brutal murder in captivity of the two young innocent students by the Kuki militants. Till today, there has been no effort to find out their dead bodies and performing their last rites. The complete silence of Mr. Modi and his government has revealed his real colonial stereotypical outlook of the Kangleipak People”.
Regarding the mushrooming of new CSOs and private armies the PREPAK’s chairman said that the pre-planned Kuki narco-terrorists’ aggression on the ethnic indigenous people has led the rise of private armies of many Ministers/MLAs.
The statement said that the failure of some of the apex CSOs to build up a strong united front to thwart out the challenges Kangleipak is facing today might have led to such spring off of several minuscule CSOs which may wane away with time when the crisis is over. Although, the CSOs may fail to bring forth a common front, they must work on a common agenda leaving aside their ideological differences for preserving and protecting the status of Kangleipak. This phenomenon has happened in several parts of the world. But, one must be aware, convinced and susceptible to is about the rise of the well-armed private armies of various colonially hypnotized so-called Kangleipak political leaders under the back-drop of the well-equipped security agencies. This will remain the most irresistible hindrance and the only divisive force in the way of building up of a united people’s struggle and a stumbling block for the National Liberation Movement.
The statement said that the falling in trap of the Kukis in the geopolitics of some thugs and their consequent utopian dream has led to the present crisis.
“At first, the Kukis say their struggle is against the demand for the inclusion of the Meeteis in the Scheduled Tribe List. It then goes from Chin_KukiMizo or Kuki-Zo unification to the establishment of a separate administration. Cycle of misinformation campaign by a few shrewd Kukis goes around the world portraying the Kuki Aggression on Kangleipak as the atrocities of minority Christian Kukis by majority Hindu Meeteis and lately land issues. The root cause of all these evils is the idea of Zalen’gam. With thriving narco-economy, some Kuki gammocks flared out this idea of the formation of an independent Zalen’gam by breaking up and uniting parts of India, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Kangleipak. As a result of which the Kuki settlements in Myanmar and Bangladesh have been uprooted due to the violent clashes. This has led to the migration of hundreds of thousands of Kukis in Mizoram and Kangleipak as illegal immigrants or refugees. These redundant Kuki leaders should take all the responsibilities of the sufferings of the innocent Kuki civilians in Kangleipak which are unaware of the honey traps of the Indian colonial masterminds”.
The statement further said, “for millennia, Kangleipak remained an Asiatic sovereign independent country except for some intrusion of Seven Years’ Devastion, 1819-1826, the British Paramountcy after the Anglo Kangleipak War, 1891 that lapsed on August 14, 1947 and the subsequent Indian annexation of Kangleipak on October 15, 1949 till date. The Treaty of Yandaboo, February 24, 1826 recognised the sovereignty of Kangleipak. The British Empress, Queen Victoria never annexed Kangleipak into her empire giving due recognition and respect for the political personality of Kangleipak.
“Kangleipak scripted the oldest Constitution in South East Asia, the Loiyumba Shinyen during the reign of King Loiyumba in the 11th – 12th CE. Kangleipak Constitution Act, 1947 established a democratic cabinet form of government till Kangleipak National Parliament was abolished with the Indian annexation of Kangleipak on October 15, 1949, since when the national liberation movement started for exercising the right to self-determination of the Kangleipak people from the racist Indian colonial rule. As evident from the pages of the history of every colonial occupation, gross violations of human rights and international humanitarian law continued unabated in Kangleipak engulfed with population decimation of the indigenous population with the mainland Indian population, exploitation of mineral and natural resources, proxy war in the name of ethnic crisis, and the establishment of a captive market economy. The ethnic cauldron with the use of mercenaries and auxiliary forces from inside and outside Kangleipak has been the regular feature of Indian colonialism in sabotaging the freedom movement in Kangleipak.
“The massive movement of Indian traders, large scale influx of Bangladeshis and the continued migration of Myanmarese refugees in Kangleipak remained unchecked for decades as a weapon for demographic change to uproot the indigenous populations. These colonial dynamics are deeply synchronized to derail the legitimate Kangleipak People’s struggle for self-determination. For decades, India has been exploiting the use of mercenaries and auxiliary forces to contain the freedom movements in the north eastern region of India. The Kuki-Naga Clash 1993, Meetei-Meetei Pangal Clash 1993, Kuki Paite Clash 1996, Kuki-Dimasa Clash 2003, Kuki-Karbi Clash 2004, and the recent Kuki Meetei Clash stand witnesses to these colonial designs. These proxy wars will keep the various ethnic communities in the north-east divided and will not bring any development in the region. The deployment of more the 70,000 Indian armed forces could not contain this more than 5 months’ long ethnic crisis in Kangleipak. This may be seen as huge Indian military built-up in the India-Burma region. The way how the both houses of the Indian parliament could not discuss Kangleipak crisis and the several adjournments of the Indian parliament clearly reflect the colonial attitude of the Indian rulers towards Kangleipak.
In connection with the natural resources the PREPAK chairman said that Kangleipak has vast reserves of natural resources like limestone, chromite, nickel, copper, platinum group metals, petroleum and natural gas as reported except for the uranium reserve by the GSI & State Geology & Mining Divisional Development apart from the rich flora and fauna in their natural habitats. India’s fear for a self-sustenance Kangleipak with these rich resources leads to absorption of many talented youths of Kangleipak in the different strata of the Indian security and intelligence agencies for perpetuation of infightings to subdue national self-determination movement of Kangleipak. The infamous Loktak Hydro-Electric Power Project has inundated more than 80,000 acres of agricultural land that makes Kangleipak economically dependent. Today, the Loktak Lake, the largest fresh water lake in the WESEA Region is on the verge of peril and has threatened the existence of Keibul Lamjao, the only floating park in the world and the home of the brow-antlered deer-Sangai, the only species of its kind in the world. India has also allowed the exploitation of the abundant medicinal and ornamental plants in Kangleipak by many unknown companies unchecked. India has been continuously trying to sell off the mineral resources of Kangleipak stealthily to many MNCs. The indigenous peoples of Kangleipak thwarted India’s bid to Jubiliant Oil and Gas Private Limited, a company based in Netherlands for exploration of oil and natural gas in Tamenglong in 2012. Further, the indigenous people of Kangleipak have organized themselves to chase away the Asian Oilfields and Alpha Geo Company from oil exploration in Kangleipak under the New Exploration Licensing Policy. Besides, oil and natural gas, Kangleipak has vast deposits of Uranium in Chandel and Chromium in Ukhrul. The local people were misinformed of the environmental impacts of the mineral exploration. Mineral exploration in Canada resulted into dislocation of several villages due to the release of toxic substances. People suffered radioactive side effects in Jharkhand due to uranium mining. The Chromite exploration in Ukhrul may lead to huge landslides in the hills which may create a natural catastrophe. India yearns to be a superpower by exploiting the mineral resources of WESEA Region in total disregard for the human settlements in the region. Captive Market Economy: The Indian colonisation of Kangleipak has made Kangleipak a dependent state that serves as a captive market for products including daily needs from the rest of India. Without even a single industry where 500-600 people can work at one time, the economy of Kangleipak is purely a monetary phenomenon, which in reality has no leg to stand on. The present onslaught of Kuki Narco-terrorists has also uprooted the only vital economy of Kangleipak, agriculture handloom industry. The parasitic colonial mindset has seemed to strike many that hypotheses if Kangleipak could not ever survive independently without the backyard support of Indian economy.
The statement added that the colonial divisive mechanism has made economically resourceful of only 8% of the whole area of Kangleipak. The non-uniform land laws and baffled economy have successfully entangled the ethnic communities at one another. The transcending British colonial capitalist economy in India has left no stone unturned to implant deep rooted communal hatred in sharing a portion of the inflow of central funds from New Delhi. Our people remain critically hypnotized in the illusion of development in this captive market economy in total unaware of falling into the death trap of the colonial system.
The PREPAK also sends out Red Salute to those who martyred in defending Kangleipak against the Kuki Narco Terrorists’ Aggression and shares the grief, pain and agony of those killed in captivity with their dead bodies untraced. The Party also shares the sorrows of those struggling in the relief camps, of those who bear the brunt of the Indian Occupation Forces, of those who suffered the tyranny of military boots and pellet guns, and of those who are maimed, physically or visually impaired and disabled.
PREPAK greets the people on the occasion of the 46th Foundation Day