Home » Passport Seva Puraskar award for Guwahati RPO

Passport Seva Puraskar award for Guwahati RPO

by Guru Aribam Naocha
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Passport Seva Puraskar award for Guwahati RPO

IT News
Imphal, June 23:

Regional Passport Office (RPO), Guwahati was awarded the ‘Passport Seva Puraskar’ during the Regional Passport Officers’ Conference held annually in New Delhi on 22nd June 2024. The award was presented to Cherakung Zeliang, IFS, Regional Passport Officer, Guwahati by Minister of State for External Affairs Kirti Vardhan Singh.
The award champions the performance of Passport Offices from amongst 37 RPOs across the country, which include various parameters set by the MEA like grievance handling, average print and distribution time, files granted on same day, per staff average productivity etc. Regional Passport Office Guwahati presently caters to the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland.

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