Vikram Yengkhom
Thoubal, July 21; Health Services Sector in the state is crippled with irregularities, scams, poor infrastructure and equipments, substandard services and lack of adequate numbers of doctors. Apart from a few private hospitals and large hospitals in an around Imphal, other health centres like the Community Health Centres are just for namesake. One fine example is the Community health Centre in Yairipok, in Thoubal District which has decided to close its 24×7 emergency services today due to lack of adequate doctors.
The decision to close the 24×7 emergency services comes after an emergency meeting of the Hospital Management Society CHC Yairipok. It may be mentioned that at present there is only two doctor working day and night at the hospital. Reports say that the said emergency services will remained closed until more doctors are sent. According to Public Health Standard norms there should be at least 11 doctors at a CHC for effective and efficient service. And a doctor should only work for 40-48 hours a week to avoid workload and administering wrong treatments to the patients.
The report alleged that despite many official requests and demand for more doctors to the related authorities, there has not been a single development in the matter. With only two doctors on duty the patients are not receiving adequate attentions of the doctors. And the workloads the two doctor carries are immense and are severely affecting their health. The report furthers that the CHC Yairipok is one of the busiest health centres in the state with 150 emergency cases daily excluding OPD.
Meanwhile in the vicinity of the city Imphal, PHC Kakwa and PHC Akampat have five to six doctors. Emergency services save lives and are a much needed service. People need adequate doctors and related authorities should take up necessary steps to send more doctors to avoid inconvenience and ensure maximum utilization of the said CHC, the report appeals.
It may be mentioned that govt run CHCs are much criticised health centres by the people everywhere in the state. There have been many reports of ill treatment towards patients by doctors and nurses, poor attention, lack of proper equipments and services and moreover lack of adequate doctors. Institutions like CHCs needs serious eyes and frequent inspections to ensure maximum utilisation and improvement in its services. CHCs are first resorts for the town and village people who are far from city hospitals. Improving these institutions will surely boost Health sectors in the state and government must ensure such.
“No More 24×7 Services” at CHC Yairipok