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National teacher awardee felicitated

by IT Web Admin
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Keishamthong Longjam Leirak Development Committee today felicitated one national and two state awardee with a simple function held at Ningthemcha Kollup Mandap Keishamthong Longjam Leirak in Imphal. National Teacher awardee Potshangbam ongbi Khwairakpam Sunita , State Teacher awardee NS Leishiwon and National best awardee on Animation Film Cinematography Potshangbam Priyananda were also felicitated.Speaking on the occasion National Teacher Awardee 2014 Kh Sunita, said she made achievement for guiding the students in a government school. It is a big challenge for her to increase the number of students in her school. Most of the students in the government school are coming from poor families. She along with her colleague teachers managed to give books, uniforms and food to the students to encourage the students to attend in their school.Keishamthong Assembly Constituency MLA L Ibomcha in his speech as Chief Guest said that there is certain improvement in the state education department under the Education Minister M Okendro. Rationalisation of teachers is a good step for the department,he felt. He also appealed to the education minister to upgrade the primary teacher who posted in the building less school in other school and higher secondary schools.Longjam Nobinchandra, President of the committee also attended the function as president. It may be mentioned that Kh Sunita Head Mistress of Bhairodan Maxwell Hindi Primary School received the National Teacher Award from the President of India , NS Leishiwon of Ram Lal Paul Higher Secondary School received the State Teacher 2014 and Potshangbam Priyananda won the best documentary film Cinematography NACT Short Film Documentory Film and Animation Film Festival 2012.( Courtesy MU)

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