Home » MCP-M sets to observe International Protest Day Against Indian Expansionism on Indian Republic Day

MCP-M sets to observe International Protest Day Against Indian Expansionism on Indian Republic Day

by IT Web Admin
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Maoist Communist Party, Manipur (MCP-M) is all set to organise International Protest Day Against Indian Expansionism on the day on January 26, 2015, which is the Republic Day of India at La Concha in East Los Angeles.  A press statement of the outfit said that there would be a video show regarding the situation in Manipur with a discussion program on the context of National Liberation Struggle of Manipur and India at present during the function. The rebel group is expecting the function of the Red Guards- Los Angeles, as a remarkable day of historic landmark in the passage of the history of Revolutionary movements of Manipur. The statement added that the program will be the first ever international event and International Protest in the history of Manipur National Liberation Struggle.
The Maoist Communist Party Manipur, send revolutionary greetings to the New Communist Party- Liaison Committee who is taking responsibility of Proletarian Internationalism in support of the Revolutionary Movement of Maoist Communist Party Manipur and National Liberation Struggle of Manipur in General.  A political advancement of the International Department of the Maoist Communist Party Manipur has achieved such duo International action programs.
‘Proletarians of the world unite’ is an example of how to bring change in the world at large. Since this very slogan of  Karl Marx has reached in the soil of Manipur now, the universal proletarian Ideology of Maoism is mushrooming in the minds of the new generation of Manipuri youngsters. Maoist Communist Party Manipur of which representing the new generation of Manipur, will fight peoples war with the true Internationalist sprit.
 (Contd. on page 2)

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