The Medical Council of India has cracked the whips against erring officials. In a move which may has paralleled developments in other states the MCI has debarred the principal of JSS Medical college, Mysuru from taking up any post in any medical college in the country. His crime was that he had shown one senior faculty in two departments in the college. The Ethics committee had recommended the extreme punishment to the principal. Sources said that there are such malpractices in some medical colleges in the country of keeping the same faculty in two capacities. Such instances are brought to the notice of the MCI for necessary actions. Meanwhile the MCI has finalised the move to deny admission of MBBS students in three medical colleges totalling 850 seats. The government colleges had failed to provide physical infrastructures despite timely recommendation by the MCI team. Likewise some medical colleges in the country may suffer since the recommendations of the MCI for essential infrastructures are not complied with.
MCI debars principal from any post
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