Home » Manipur activists urge UN to repeal AFSPA

Manipur activists urge UN to repeal AFSPA

by IT Web Admin
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Two human rights activists from the state, Irom Singhjit Singh of Just Peace Foundation and Kshetrimayum Onil of Reachout have drawn the attention of the United Nations on key issues of arbitrary and Armed Forces Special Powers Act- 1958.
Addressing the gathering at 30th Regular Session of Human Rights Council, Irom Singhjit Singh requested the UN to intervene on the arbitrary arrest and detention of his sister, Irom Sharmila Chanu.
“Sharmila has been on hunger strike for 15 years in protest against the army law, Armed Forces Special Powers Act where gross human rights violation has been done by the Indian army in the State of Manipur and North East India and Jammu and Kashmir,” said Singhjit.
It may be mentioned that Sharmila began her hunger strike after the infamous “Malom massacre” of November 2, 2000, in which members of the Assam Rifles shot down ten innocent people including women and children. Since then she has been arrest and detain on charges of attempt to commit suicide and forced fed.
He also requested to recommend the Government of India to guarantee in all circumstances the physical and psychological integrity of Sharmila as well as of all human rights defenders in India.
While, stating that AFSPA is a cruel manifestation of racial discrimination in India, Kshetrimayum Onil said that after a part or whole of a State is declared a “disturbed area” the armed forces are deployed to counter insurgents operating in the area.
There is no time limit under AFSPA for exercise of special powers by the armed forces. This simple fact illustrates the culpability of India’s ruling class to the crime of racial discrimination, Onil added

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