Home » Kuki Inpi’s homeland demand forcing out Kukis from Manipur: COCOMI

Kuki Inpi’s homeland demand forcing out Kukis from Manipur: COCOMI

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, July 15:

The Coordinating Committee on Manipur Integrity (COCOMI) stated in a press release that the Kuki Inpi’s demand for a separate state in Manipur was nothing but following the long cherished dream of Chin-Kuki Narco-terrorist groups in forming another Golden Triangle in the West South East Asian Region. The May 3 carnage of the Meitei civilians at Churachandpur by the well-armed Kuki militants was an act of terrorism perpetrated by the Kuki militants hand-in glove with Burmese illegal Narco-terrorists, says COCOMI. It reiterated that the Kukis show-caged false propaganda in the print, electronic and social media showing the Kuki terrorists’ carnage as a communal riot started by the Meiteis adding that the Kuki Inpi Manipur was taking an important role in committing genocide upon the indigenous people.
The COCOMI pointed out that the recent expression in the media by one Naga leader for demanding a separate homeland by the Kukis was like inviting a war on the indigenous peoples of Manipur.
The COCOMI also clearly stated that the Khongsais (Old Kuki) came to Manipur only in the year 1844 during the reign of King Narsingh in whose period Captain William Mc Culloch was the British Political Agent in Manipur. Till today, many imminent historians called King Narsingh as the Kuki godfather.
After the Manipur’s Merger with India in 1949, the Kukis were granted refugees’ status in the year 1966-68, stated the release. After 2005, huge influx of illegal Kuki immigrants sneaked into Manipur’s territory and played the Christian minority card as Indian citizens. They wrote fake history and gave self reference and sent memorandum to other countries with false history. The sinister design of the Kuki refugees craving for carving out a Kukiland from the territorial integrity of Manipur is an act of aggression upon the indigenous Meiteis and the Nagas, says the COCOMI release. It added the idea of the World Kuki-Zo Intellectual Council (WKZCI) for the formation of an independent Zogam/Zoland/Zalengam/Kukiland by uniting parts of Burma, Bangladesh and India in the near future as charted out in its memorandum submitted to the United Nations was to form a narco-terrorist state like that of Khunsa’s Golden Triangle.

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