Home » KCP Poirei alleges irregularities in appointment of staff nurses at JNIMS

KCP Poirei alleges irregularities in appointment of staff nurses at JNIMS

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Imphal, Nov 15: Armed group KCP Poirei Meitei Lup has alleged that the Director of JNIMS and Chief Minister of Manipur Okram Ibobi Singh have reserved 15 seats of the total 234 posts for recruitment of staff nurses at JNIMS. A statement said that, state cabinet had approved recruitment of 234 posts of staff nurses at JNIMS but the Director of JNIMS Dr. L Deven in connivance with the Chief Minister had notified for recruitment of only 219 staff nurses posts. When investigate by a team of the outfit it has been come to the picture that the Director is collecting Rs. 20 to 25 lakhs from intending candidates to field the 15 seats.
The armed group also alleged that instead of handing over recruitment process for the selection of the candidates, all procedure for selection of the nurses has been handed over to a firm called G.I facility service located at the third floor of a gas agency building at Loklaobung, Imphal.
The armed group also alleged the director of conducting the recruitment test in violation of the reservation base on qualification approved by the state cabinet.
The outfit further warned serious consequences if the director did not stopped the kind of irregularities committed to the appointment of staff nurse at JNIMS.

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