Home » Jiribam Forest Division hosts successful roadside tree planting drive

Jiribam Forest Division hosts successful roadside tree planting drive

by Md Mahin Laskar
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Jiribam Forest Division hosts successful roadside tree planting drive

IT Correspondent
Jiribam, May 26:

In a joint effort to enhance the local environment, the All Jiribam Muslim Welfare Society, All Manipur Bengali Students Union, and All Jiribam Muslim Socio-Economic & Cultural Development Organisation collaborated with the Jiribam Forest Division to organize a large-scale JT roadside tree plantation drive in the Sonapur Gram Panchayat areas today.
Hundreds of volunteers from the participating organizations worked together to plant a variety of tree saplings along the roadsides, with the goal of increasing the tree cover and greenery in the region. Local officials and community leaders were present to lend their support and encouragement to the effort.
“This was a wonderful initiative that brought together different groups in our community to do something positive for the environment,” said by N. Biraj Singh, Range Forest Officer of Jiribam . “The enthusiasm and participation we saw today was extremely heartening, and we hope to build on this momentum for future conservation efforts.”
Hasan Choudhary, GRS, Borobekra G.P said that the plantation drive is part of the region’s broader environmental protection and restoration initiatives, which aim to combat issues like deforestation, soil erosion, and increasing environmental change . Organizers noted that proper maintenance and care for the newly planted trees will be crucial in the months and years ahead.

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