Home » JAC accepts Memicha’s dead body, perform last rite

JAC accepts Memicha’s dead body, perform last rite

by IT Web Admin
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JAC formed against the brutal murder of Memicha and the deceased family member has accepted the dead body of the deceased lady which has been lying at RIMS morgue. Yumnam (N) Nongmaithem (O) Memicha of Naharup Pangong was found dead in a suspicious manner on February 26 at Samaram Panthak Loukol in between Wangjing and Samaram, Thoubal district. Since the dead body was found in a suspicious manner the JAC formed against the dead of Memicha has been demanding punishment of those involved in the killing without accepting the dead body. Day before yesterday large number of people stormed to the CM Bungalow after the government had announced to cremated the body treating it as unclaimed body.
Even as the JAC had accepted the dead body to perform her last rite the committee threaten various form of agitation if the culprits involved in the killing of the lady is not arrested and punish as according to the law of the land.

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