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Imphal among the 23 Fast Track Cities

by IT Web Admin
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Imphal is one of the 23 Fast Track Cities which are given an opportunity to upgrade the earlier Smarty City Proposal (SCP), informed Ng Uttam Singh, Executive Officer, Imphal Municipal Corporation.
He also said that if Imphal reaches the minimum benchmark score, then the city will the selected for funding, without participating in the second phases of the Smart City Challenge Phase-II, which is quite rigorous.
As per the directions received from the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, an upgraded Smart City Proposal (SCP) needs to be submitted before 15 April, 2016, taking into consideration the inputs received from the citizen and stakeholders within the board framework of observations made available by the panel of experts who have evaluated the plan.
“Based on the quality of our improved SCP, Imphal would be selected for development into Smart City in the next phase,” said Uttam.
While stating that true improvement can only be achieved with the value support, co-operation, suggestions and ideas of the citizens and stakeholders of Imphal, Executive Officer appealed all to send suggestions to email mail id- [email protected] or on the official Facebook page of Imphal Smart City http://www.facebook.com/smartcityimphal or on the official website of IMC- www.imc.mm.gov.in. Citizen can also submit written copies at Smart City Cell at the office of the MAHUD 2nd floor, North BOC.

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