Home » IED Found

IED Found

by IT Web Admin
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Imphal, Jan 4: A team of JK Light Infantry (JKLI) found an IED planted near a culvert of Ningthoukhong Kha Khunou at around 10:30pm yesterday. The security force informed the matter to police and following that aPolice bomb disposal squad recovered the bomb around 02:30 am today and disposed it at Tera Urak around 0740 hours today morning.  The bomd disposal squad recovered 16 packets gelatin sticks, 13 packets ball bearing, 08 detonator & 10m wire.
Following the finding of IED security has been beefed up different part of the state as a part of precuationary measures ahead of the 11th Manipur Legislative Assembly Election scheduled to be held on March 4 and March 8.

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