Home » HC should allow quarrying of sand and stones from river beds – Kakching Workers

HC should allow quarrying of sand and stones from river beds – Kakching Workers

by Rabi Takhellambam
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IT News
Imphal, July 29,

Protesting the Manipur High Court order to stop quarrying of sand and stones from the river beds a sit in demonstration of workers was held today at JNRUM Hall at Kakching Sumak Leikai. The decision of the court has affected the livelihood of the poor workers, according to the protesters.
Kha Maikei Apunba Shinmee Lup, which is formed by uniting the workers, has been protesting the order of the High Court and to save the livelihood of the workers whose sole earning comes from sand and stone quarries.
A worker who was in the sit in protest said that “it is because of the money they get from quarrying sand and stones from the river beds they are able to feed themselves and provide education to their children. Now due to this high court order that bans quarrying from river beds, it has affected our lives heavily. There is no work they can do and some families at the stage of starvation.”
The protestors are asking how long they are going to bear this suffering and they appeal the High court to withdraw this decision thinking about the poor workers.

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