Home » Education Department has become a den of corruption – PREPAK

Education Department has become a den of corruption – PREPAK

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, Oct 21:

Proscribed group People’s Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (PREPAK) has warned Education Minister and Commissioner of Education of serious consequences if they fail to return back the money they have collected from candidates in the name of appointing them to various posts in the state Education Department.
A statement by Leibaak Ngaakpa Luwang, Charge d’ Affairs, Publicity, and Propaganda, PREPAK said that the Education Minister and Commissioner of Higher Education have collected a huge amount of money from candidates who are applying for the post of Graduate Teachers and also Assistant professor and non-teaching post at Dhanamanjuri University in the name of appointing them to the respective post. It said that the two have collected a huge sum of amount from candidates applying for the Graduate Teachers post. The total number of posts is 920. For the post 88 Assistant Professor at DM University, the task force of PREPAK has learned that both the Education Minister and the Commissioner of Education had collected a huge amount of money from the candidates. The collected money should be returned back to those candidates whom they had collected, the PREPAK warns and said that failing which punishment awarded by the party should be held as their responsibility.
The PREPAK statement also the education department instead of framing a recruitment or transfer policy is engaging in rampant corruption by appointing staff either on a temporary or contract basis. The PREPAK said that the education sector is the backbone of society, and it saves the sanctity of the education sector, the PREPAK will monitor the education sector.

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