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Dr Sekharjit to move contempt of court

by Rinku Khumukcham
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Dr S Sekharjit Singh, who has been relived from duty as Director of RIMS, has warned to move contempt of court against the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) for its failure to comply with the Court order in time. According to the Supreme Court’s order (Civil Appeal no 1912 of 2015 passed on 16 Feb 2015 in the case of Ajay Kumar Chaudhury vs Union of India), the purported inquiry against him should not be exceeding the limit of 90 days. However due to the interference of a gang with “unscrupulous persons with vested interest” inquiry has not been completed even after 12 months, said Dr Sekharjit in a release.
His appointment was approved by the Ministry (President, Board of Governors, RIMS) and Appointments Committee of the Cabinet on the recommendation by a Search and Selection Committee. However, he was relieved from duty as Director of RIMS on August 25, 2014 purportedly as a temporary arrangement to conduct investigation on some allegation, Dr Sekharjit added.
While claiming that he does not hold any lien to a post of Professor of Urology, Dr Sekharjit said that the Ministry issued the relieving order without following rules and regulations governing the service of regular Director. Mistakenly the Ministry issued the relieving order on the concept that Dr Sekharjit is holding a post of Professor of Urology.
Dr Sekharjit clarified that he is not holding any post of Professor of RIMS and neither been posted anywhere nor can he be demoted to the rank of Professor of a Department. The Director’s post is neither a promotional post nor any been awarded.
Appointment of Director is for a team of 5 (five) years, of which more than 12 months have been wasted by issuing order that is not applicable to Director. So, the petitioner (Dr S Sekharjit Singh) deserves to be compensated for the time lost due to an unlawful order of relieving him from duty, he demanded.

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