Home » ‘Crisis in MPP’ – Now AK Sanaton bounce back Sovakiran’s claims

‘Crisis in MPP’ – Now AK Sanaton bounce back Sovakiran’s claims

by IT Web Admin
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A day after N. Sovakiran claimed himself as the newly elected president of Manipur Peoples’ Party, AK Sanaton bounce back with slashing criticism stating that election of Sovakiran as Party President is unconstitutional.
Speaking to media persons at Manipur Press Club AK Sanaton said that he along with his team were not allowed to enter the Party office by the security escort of Sovakiran when they went to discuss about electing new office bearers of the party. As according to the constitution of the Manipur Peoples’ Party (MPP), the term of the party President is 3 years and new president is elected in a party conference normally held one month before the completion of the term, added Sanaton. He added that Sovakiran had exercised his power unconstitutionally by not allowing any party members who are potential of becoming new office bearers of the party.
On the other hand, Sanaton further blamed Sovakiran for the present status of the MPP.
“Earlier, the MPP even form government in the state and now MPP is not able to field candidate in election”, said AK Sanaton. In-order to restructure the party a general conference was held at the residence of L Singhajit at Yaiskul Assembly Constituency and during the conference, AK Sanaton was elected as the new president, N. Ojit who was expelled by Sovakiran said.
AK Sanaton later appealed Sovakiran to step down and handed over the party office to the newly elected office bearers. 

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