Home » Consumers Forum of Kakching G.P. Formed

Consumers Forum of Kakching G.P. Formed

by IT Web Admin
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consumer forum under the banner of Kakching G.P.W. Consumers Welfare Union was formed to deal with grievances of LPG consumers while applying or the Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme which begins from Jan 1, 2015.
A press statement released by Ksh Suresh Singh Convener of Kakching G.P.W. Consumers Welfare Union said that in order to take the benefit of Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme, the public of Kakching has been applying for the scheme by filling up the prescribed forms for last few months. However, the consumers have been facing grievances in applying the schemes. Many consumers are charged with extra money for various reasons. Kakching G.P.W. Consumers Welfare Union was formed in order to look into the matter. A committee consisting 12 members was constituted.
The statement further said that the consumer forum will write to the LPG supplier to make known the prescribed fees to the public, while applying the Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme for LPG. The consumer forum will also write to the Union Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas and concerned state government department. The forum will use the Right to Information Act (RTI), the Prevention of Corruption Act and Legal provisions. It also added that the public of Kakching is also facing other issues of the electricity bill hiked and irregularity of water supply. The consumer forum will organize a public meeting at earliest time to bring the public awareness and seek the support, suggestion and opinion from the public.

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