Home » CNC appeals Nagalim stakeholders to pray for final solution of the Indo Naga political dialogue

CNC appeals Nagalim stakeholders to pray for final solution of the Indo Naga political dialogue

by IT Web Admin
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Imphal, Sept 24: Council of Nagalim Churches (CNC) have appealed all stakeholders of the Nagalim to participate the monthlong prayer starting from September 24 at different places to resolve the IndoNaga Political dialogue which is nearing to conclusion. “ If we fail today, may be, we may never succeed in a thousand years also. The opportunity that is at our hand is ample. Nothing like this one may come for a second time, I guess. Therefore, your constructive involvement and positive participation in the cause are vital. Avoiding listening to destructive elements is half a wisdom. Complete rejection of their misrepresentation and conscious participation in a noble cause isfull wisdom. Hearing the Bible is also half a wisdom, but living the Bible in obedience and faith is a perfect wisdom. Everyone will guarantee, our fate of nationhood is hinged on political status. Once you died, you are dead for forever.Finished. We say, political dialogue is essential because it decides our future. It’s not a fun game. Seriously, it is a matter of life or death” a statement issued by Rev. SeksimKasar General Secretary, CNC said.

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