Home » CME programme on investigation of rape: a multi-disciplinary approach was held

CME programme on investigation of rape: a multi-disciplinary approach was held

by Rinku Khumukcham
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Department of Forensic Medicine, JN Institute of Medical Sciences, Porompat, Imphal has organised CME (Continuing Medical Education)  programme on Investigation of Rape: A multi-disciplinary approach was held today at JNIMS Auditorium.
The inaugural function of the programme was graced by Home Minister Shri Gaikhangam, Director JNIMS Shri L. Debendra, Professor and Head of Forensic Medicine JNIMS L. Fimate, former Director AIIMS New Delhi Professor TD Dogra and Associate Professor, Forensic Medicine JNIMS Dr. Gangmei Angam as chief guest, president and guest of honour respectively.
By noting the record of National Crime Records Bureau,  Shri Gaikhangam said that in our country one crime take place every 17 seconds, one crime against women (CAW) every 3 minutes, one molestation every 15 minutes, one rape or sexual assault every 27 minutes and one dowry death every 77 minutes. Out of all the crime against women, rape is the most heinous one. Manipur is not spared by the heinous  crime. About 280-300 cases of sexual assault victims are examined by Department of Forensic Medicine JNIMS and RIMS yearly. Out of which many children are victims. This has hampered development and progress in the society. If left un-adressed, these human rights violation pose serious consequences for current and future generation.
The government is trying to upgrade the Forensic Laboratory at Pangei with advance technology and equipment’s. So that increasing crime rate in the State may be effectively dealt with and solve, the chief guest added.
The programme was attended by personnel from police, judiciary, doctors, nurses etc.

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