Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh today inaugurated the 3 Day Malem Paphal Art Exhibition at Iboyaima Shumang Leela Sanglen, Palace Compound. The exhibition organised by Singh Portrait Gallery (Trust) showcase 300 different Paphal (flags) associated with different stages of the Manipuri history as well as 400 different portraits of the Kings of Manipur. Former Minister of Arts and Culture Dr. Moirangthem Nara Singh and President of the Manipur Sahitya Parishad Thoidingjam Tombi Singh also attended the inaugural function as dignitaries.
Speaking on the occasion Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh lauded the effort of the Singh Portrait Gallery (Trust) in presenting the history of Manipur through their unique talents. He said besides games and sports and arts and Culture Manipur has many talents in other field.
“There are many talented artists in the state but as the people f the state fail to understand the price of the work done by these artists many people had to take up the profession on their own passion for paintings”, Ibobi said. He further added that Artists left their works as history to the future generation. Dr. Nara Singh while speaking on the occasion drew the attention of the Chief Minister to frame a state culture policy to improve the lives of the various artists of the state.
CM inaugurates Malem Paphal Art Exhibition
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