Congress Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh today share the dais with the Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the closing function of the Sangai Festival held today at Bheigyachandra Open Air Theater. Manipur Governor KK Paul, Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam and Manipur Legislative Assembly Speaker Th. Lokeshwar also share the dais with the PM in today’s function.
For quit sometimes the enmity between the BJP and Congress seems to have gone as the Prime Minister’s gestures showed beyond party politics. Besides attending the state government function Narendra Modi also met the state unit BJP machineries at its party office at Nityapat Chuthek.
At the closing function Chief Minister drew the attention of the Prime Minister to improve the health sector of the state . He drew the attention of the Prime Minister to upgrade RIMS to the status of AIMS. He also urged the PM to improve the road connectivity of the state.
Chief Minister Ibobi shares dais with Prime Minister Narendra Modi