CAD & PD labours warns agitations if fails to clear wages

Imphal, Aug 16: CAD and PD labour Welfare association begin cease work strike against non-clearance of 4 months wages.
Speaking to the media persons, executive member of the association, Irengbam Babu said that contractors of the CAD and PD Naoba (proprietor of Yaiphaba Hotel) has been failed to pay wages for 4 months of 108 labours engaged by the firm.  He said that association had submitted various memorandums to the concern department regarding the matter but still no action has been taken up to clear the wages.
He further added that according to the government rate, according to the government approved rate the firm has to clear a sum of rupees 40 lakhs for the 108 labours. However, the association had only demanded to clear Rs. 25 lakhs. He warned serious form of agitation if the association fails to clear the due at the earliest possible time. 

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