Ongoing state Assembly session today passed 6 more demand for grant amidst policy cut motions moved by opposition MLAs.
A sum of Rs. 80,31,90,000/- has been passed for Land revenue, Stamps and registration and district administration. Trinamool Congress MLAs Dr. I Ibohalbi and L. Ibomcha moved policy cut motions to the passing of the demand for grant on the ground that the department has failed to collect more revenue from Stamps and registration by undervaluation of land/property at the time of transfer of standing properties/building thereon. MLA Ibomcha said that lot of revenue which could be collected by the government has been lost as the transfer of land are now mostly done on gift. Value of building are put to the lowest and the actual revenue which were supposed to receive by the government could not be collected to this kind of practice. He said failure to establish a proper land law has been depriving the right of the hill people in taking loan from the government as they do not legally own their homestead land.
In his policy cut motion, to the passing of the demand for grant of rupees 184,98,16,000 for Environment and Forest MLA K Shyam, MLA L Ibomcha Singh and Dr. Ibohalbi Singh moved policy cut motion on the ground that the department has failed to preserve the and protect forest area and other reserved forest area in the state particularly the Langol Range. MLA Ibohalbi in is policy cut motion said that the ongoing cleaning work of work lake could not be completed effectively as the department has failed to procure appropriate machinery to cut and removed deep rooted fixed biomass in both the core and buffer zone of Loktak lake. The three opposition MLAs also said that forest area of Dzuko Valley could not be protected and has also failed to adopt policy to stop cutting of trees illegally in the reserved forest areas of the state.
On the demand for grant of rupees 55,48,08,00/- for Youth Affairs and sports, MLA I. Ibohalbi and MLA K. Shyam moved policy cut motion on account of failure to maintain quality playground in each and every district of Manipur, failure to develop specific policy to reduce the problem of unemployment amongst the youth, failure to provide promotion avenues to National and International Players and failure to focus in the affairs of Youth.
To the passing for demand for grant of rupees 282,22,23,000/- MLA I Ibohalbi, MLA L. Ibomcha and MLA K Shyam moved policy cut motion on the failure to protect the banks and bed of many rivers in the state, on the failure to maintain water bodies, frequent flood in Imphal city with few rains and lack of a long term policy.
Demand for grant of rupees 85,20,44,000/- for Horticulture and soil conservation has also been passed today. MLA L. Ibomcha and MLA K. Shyam moved policy cut motion on the ground that the department has no Horticulture and Soil Conservation activities in the department and has failed to implement the schemes properly.
An amount of rupees 34,87,58,000/- has also been passed for the Minorities and Other Backward Classes Department.
6 more demand for grant passed